Atelier Fluxus Virus

Founded in 1994 by Yannis Haralambous & Thérèse Haralambous

Documents have contents and structure.


We build structured documents.

Machine gets access to structure by markup. Humans get access to structure

by visual strategies.

Structure can be accessed by machine or by humans.


Part of document contents are textual.

Text is language, controlled or natural.

Among the oldest visual strategies are typographical conventions.

They are part of our culture.

We respect that culture while using the latest digital technologies.


Language has many layers of structure.

We analyze textual data according to them:
graphemics/phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, discourse.

Atelier Fluxus Virus

ATELIER FLUXUS VIRUS - FLUXUS EDITIONS. Société à responsabilité limitée au capital de 1 000 euros.

Siège social : 38 rue Emile Zola, 29200 Brest, France. 844 438 333 RCS BREST.

Our main clients/collaborators