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Many of the samples documents of this page are under copyright of their respective publishers and authors. For this reason the PDF Acrobat are protected against text or graphics extraction and printing.

Critical Editions

John Chrysostome, On the ununderstandable

In this example we see a critical edition following the conventions of the French Editions "Les Sources Chrétiennes": the Greek text on the even page and the translation on the odd one. Three blocks of additional information: the critical apparatus, the references and the ordinary footnotes, are placed under the text and the translation so that they fill the blank space even if the Greek text is longer than the translation or vice-versa. The last footnote can even be partly typeset on the next page.

The following is noteworthy: the first critical apparatus entry of the first line is the word manían, which is repeated twice on the same line. To show that it is the second occurence which is meant, we use a superscript number "2".

We have four variants of the same sample: in the first, the Greek text is in aplá (Greek 90), in the second in Porson, in the third in attiká (New Hellenic) and in the fourth in Greek Sans 486. The page and character sizes vary to demonstrate the flexibility of the system. See also here for samples of the tagged data used to obtain these typeset examples of critical edition.

Herodote, Stories IX

In this sample we see a critical edition following the conventions of the French Editions "Les Belles Lettres": the Greek text on the odd pages and the translation on the even ones. Two blocks of additional material: the critical apparatus under the Greek text (on the even pages only), and the footnotes under the translation (on the even pages, with the possibility of typesetting some lines of the last footnote on the next odd page). This page setup is more difficult to achieve than the preceding one because we can not use material from the odd page to fill blank space on the even page and vice-versa. The only method we have to solve problems of different lengths between Greek text and translation is leading.

Note the following: the second critical apparatus entry of the sixth line is the word ton which is repeated twice on the same line. To show that we mean the second occurence of the word our system has automatically inserted the word "alt." before the entry.

We have four variants of the same sample: in the first, the Greek text is in aplá (Greek 90), in the second in Porson, in the third in attiká (New Hellenic) and in the fourth in Greek Sans 486. The page and character sizes vary to demonstrate the flexibility of the system.

Averroès, Talkhic Kitab Al-Maqoulat

These are comments on Aristoteles' Book of Categories by Averroes. In the sample we see the Arabic text of the comments by Averroes, the critical apparatus of the comments, and as a parallel text the original Arabic text of Aristoteles' Book of Categories with its own critical apparatus.


P. Robert, French-Greek Dictionary, Efstathiádhis Editions

For this dictionary which will be published before the end of 1999, we have chosen two quite different typefaces: the Univers typeface by Adrian Frutiger for the French text and the Porson typeface for the Greek one. We believe that the contrast between the two makes switching between the two scripts easier for the eye, better than if both parts were typeset using the same typeface (for example Times or Helvetica, which are the most common in Greece).

Also both of these typefaces had their period of glory in the fifties and sixties at the times of phototypesetting and are slightly in peruse today. Here is a sample page of this dictionary.

Mouraud, Dictionnaire Français-Anglais/Anglais-Français des Sciences du Petrôle, TECHNIP

For this dictionary, according to the wishes of the publisher, we have used Univers for the entries and ITC New Century Schoolbook for the translations. Our system has automatically applied the hyphenation rules of each language (French or English according to the US hyphenation rules). The data have been prepared using a database and every correction has been done in the database: after every major series of corrections we have recompiled and re-typeset the dictionary automatically. Here is a sample page of this dictionary.


Lemarchand ed al., Thermodynamique, Hermann

To typeset this book we have used for the first time the typeface family Baskerville both for the text and mathematics (the mathematical symbols having been designed by us). The authors have typed the book on MS Word and we have converted it semi-automatically into AMS-LaTeX. Here is a sample page of this book.

Books with technical drawings

Hollander, Précis de l'astrolabe, Éditions de l'Institut océanographique

This is a luxury book, the life's work of the 80+ years old scientist. The text and mathematics have been typeset in Stempel Garamond. The drawings have been done through the technical drawing software Ashlar Vellum 3D, with a precision of 1/1000 mm, following precisely the geometrical descriptions of the author. Here is a sample page of this book.

Other books

Lallot, La grammaire de Denys le Thrace, CNRS Éditions

This book is written in French and contains excerpts in ancient Greek, both in Greek characters and in the Latin transliteration. The difficulty lies in hyphenation: on the first page of our sample you can see the word hupotaktiké (written in Latin script, the "e" with macron and acute accent) hyphenated as a Greek word; there are three hyphenation methods in this book: French hyphenation rules for the French text and Greek hyphenation rules both for the Greek text written in Greek and Greek written in Latin transliteration. The font used for French is ITC New Caledonia.

Cohen, Commentaire sur la critique de la raison pure de Kant, Éditions du Cerf

Typeset in Didot. The particularity of this book is the presence of many footnotes and marginal notes on both sides. Here is a sample page of this book.

Fontane, Meine Kinderjahre

The complete text of the Fontane classical book on his childhood, typeset in Fraktur script.

Conference Proceedings CD-ROMs

Conference proceedings CD-ROMs are prepared in the following way: the conference organizer sends technical guidelines prepared by us to the participants a few months before the conference. Included with the guidelines are also style files for LaTeX or MS Word. We offer participants an FTP site where they can send us their files, as well as an email hotline (where every message is also forwarded to the conference organizing committee).

Participants send their files together with a printed copy of their contribution, either to us or to the organizing committee. The printed copy is used for the final printing on paper as well as for verification of the Acrobat PDF file of the CD-ROM.

After receiving the files, we convert them to PDF Acrobat and compare the result with the printed copy. In case some files are missing we contact the authors by email and receive the files directly.

Once all files have been converted and verified, we use a homemade tool for adding a general table of contents to each one of them as Acrobat bookmarks, linked with all other files of the CD-ROM.

Finally we index the files so that a full-text search is possible, on the whole CD-ROM. CD-ROMs we produce can be used on Macintosh, Windows, OS/2 and a large number of Unix platforms (including Linux).

Here is a page of such a file. (For copyright reasons we have left only one page.) Note the hierarchical table of contents which has been added automatically to each file of the CD-ROM.

Conférence Internationale des Grands Réseaux Électriques, Paris, 1996

The proceedings of the International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems, Paris 1996.

Groupe de Recherche et d'Études de Traitement du Signal et des Images, Grenoble, 1997

Grenoble, 1997.

Conférence Internationale des Grands Réseaux Électriques, Paris, 1998

The proceedings of the International Conference on Large High Voltage Electric Systems, Paris 1998.

Oceans'98 IEEE Conference & Exhibition, Nice, 1998

The proceedings of the international Oceanology conference, Nice (France), 1998.

Multilingual Web pages with database support

Institut National de Recherche Agronomique, Éditions

The Web pages of the Editions of the French National Institute of Agronomics. Multilinguism (English/French) managed by Meta-HTML. Multicriteria book searching is done on an SQL database, under Unix. The data are managed on a small 4D Macintosh database at the INRA Editions office and transfered to the Unix database by FTP. The user can order books, videotapes or maps, in French Francs or Euros.